Friday, May 6, 2011

Yelm Solar Seminar

Green Energy Technology Seminar

Paradigm went down to Yelm last night to see some of the latest green energy technology. We were able to hear Raymond Lam the president of “Silk Road Solar” and Michael Copeland our local distributor in Seattle speak and give us the details about the Solar Tube systems. Ray is an engineer who spoke mainly of significantly lowering the environmental impact of energy consumption as well as having a low dependence on others for energy. An average home uses 30% of its energy usage on hot water and 20% on heating the house. Rays tubes are able to heat water and can heat your house without electricity. In the past green technology has cost so much that to offset the initial price of the solar equipment it would take approximately 15 years to pay off. Of course out here in the Northwest it would probably take longer because we have such little sun for most of the year. Ray designed the Solar Tubes especially for the Northwest climate. They are made to capture more Ultra-Violet light and work efficiently even on cold, cloudy, rainy days. Ray says his system should take no more than 3 years to pay for it self and most likely much less than that. If you have any questions leave us a comment :D

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